Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Competition Spirit

Competitions are sometimes miscontrued into being just that; competative in nature and out to defeat the "competition".

In my reality, competition breeds excellence.  Through competition in the culinary world, you are against the score card, just as the rest of your competitors are.  When you are in the kitchen arena it is your skills that are being tested and showcased, it is your opportunity to develop yourself through advanced cooking methods, and through the inspirational critiques that the Judges give you at the end.

Now I'm not saying that competition is without heartbreak, but it is through this that the learning experience really happens.  If we were to win everything in life, we would think we were invincible, and that's just not fun.  For anyone that is thinking about cooking competatively, do it!  It will be whatever you put into it, it takes determination, character, creativity and the love of the culinary arts.  Above all else, compete because you love it, because it will drive you to become a better person.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Competitive Cooking

To gain more insight on competitive cooking check out:
 Here it will keep you up to date on upcoming competitions, locally or regionally.
You can view jobs and post them.
Certification guidelines are given.

Since it is a Chef inspired website, Up to date trends and techniques are discussed to advance even the most advanced chef!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Competition Food on PhotoPeach

Cooking as an art!

"When we no longer have good cooking in the world, we will have no literature, nor high and sharp intelligence, nor friendly gatherings, no social harmony."
Marie-Antoine CarĂªme

For me, cooking has always been centered around social gatherings. Family and friends gathering together in one place at the same time can seem some what a rarity with the social and economic times we are in now. For me cooking is a way of life. My dad always said, find a job that you love doing, you will know you've found it when going to it is not a "job" at all. I found that in the culinary arts and when I attended Culinary School.
Although my culinary school was a small state university, I owe my ability and continued dedication to the craft to the opportunities I was presented with at the college. I've had many opportunities to advance myself and my skills through ACF approved competitions, some at the national level. Below are some photos of food that I have prepared through competitions that utilize all aspects of an appetizer, or an entree course.